K3S Cluster with vSphere Storage [Part I]

K3s Cluster With Vsphere Storage [Part I]

Whether you work in an environment that utilizes VMware products, you have a VMware Homelab or you just want to learn something different for Kubernetes Storage this post is for you. When deploying a highly available Kubernetes cluster, distributed storage becomes a thorn in your side. Just like every other Cloud Native tool, there are a number of solutions out there; Rancher Lab’s Longhorn and GlusterFS just to name two. However, did you know, starting with vSphere 6....

<span title='2021-07-03 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>July 3, 2021</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;4 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Peter Keech
Rancher Academy

Day One

Good afternoon and happy Friday! Thanks to the wonderful Network Chuck, today is day one of this website. As a beginning post I thought I would start with a free DevOps certification. Note As a quick update, I have successfully passed the Rancher Operator: Level One! As I previously mentioned, despite the fact that this is a Rancher certificate that is obviously geared towards the Rancher product, I highly recommend this certification for anyone that is new to the Kubernetes world or needs a refresher for the matter....

<span title='2021-04-16 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>April 16, 2021</span>&nbsp;·&nbsp;1 min&nbsp;·&nbsp;Peter Keech